The brand d’BAGAr is an agricultural project developed by two brothers (Aurora Matos and José Tavares) in the Murtosa area in the west of Portugal, close to the Atlantic Ocean.
The brothers have an area 2.5 ha of land where they cultivate elderberry (Sabugueiros) and some subtropical fruit varieties (Tamarilhos, Feijoas and Araçás).

Contact details:
Aurora Isabel Tavares Matos
Website: d’BAGAr

One product, multiple uses
The focus of the project is both to improve the production of fresh flowers, berries and fruits, as well as to develop processed products with added value – notably compotes, biscuits, concentrate, berry syrups and leaf, sweets and liqueurs.
D’BAGAr is associated to the University of Aveiro and to Inovterra in the SAMBUCUS VALOR Operational Group (serves as a test for new elderberry products developed), as well as with the University of Coimbra in the genetic improvement of Tamarilho varieties (experimental trials with new varieties).