Milano Porta Verde
‘Milano Porta Verde’ (Milan Green Door) is an ambitious pilot project that aims to transform an abandoned 40-hectare agricultural area in the Vettabia Park in the Vaiano Valle / Nosedo area of Milan into a demonstrative, productive and recreational Agroforestry Park linked to a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) scheme.
The project aims to trigger a process of social, cultural and environmental regeneration whilst also creating a viable model of cooperative pro-consumer business in the agro-food sector.
Strong community participation provides the opportunity to raise awareness amongst local citizens of the practical approaches that exist for participating in the production and distribution of their own food as part of their own territorial ecosystem – and thereby effectively engaging them with the challenges of the global Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact details:
Via Cavriana, 38 – 20134 Milano
Alessandro Di Donna
Website: Milano Porta Verde
‘What was initially a desert has become a place that is greatly populated by bearers of knowledge, of relations, of innovation.‘
The idea of an Agroforestry Park arose initially from a consultation process with local communities in 2018 and is now being realised via a group of start-up enterprises with the help of local associations (Agriporto, CasciNet, Algaria, Terzo Paesaggio/Az. Agr. Davide Longoni, FioreUrbano, CURE, Deafal ONG) and the Università di Milano and Politecnico di Milano.
‘Milano Porta Verde’ is one of several pilot projects supported under the ‘Open Agri’ Urban Innovation Action (UIA) led by the Municipality of Milan. UIAs are an initiative of the European Union promoting pilot projects in the field of sustainable urban development.
Cascinet is an active partner in the ‘Milano Porta Verde’ project and is formed from two distinct legal entities– an Association of Social Promotion and an Agricultural Company of Social Enterprise – that work together to promote and create sustainable agri-ecosystems.